What’s for Dinner?

After a full working day I am really tired of making a grocery list, going to the store, getting a basket, walking through the store and finding the products on my  list, making sure the expiration dates are still good, filling my basket, searching for meringue powder and not finding it, comparing prices and freshness of produce, unloading the cart at the check-out counter, producing my store card for the discount, producing the coupons I have cut out of the newspaper or printed off the computer, remembering to take my plastic bags to replace the brown recyclable paper bags, packing them up as they are tallied on the cash register, hearing the final total, sticking my card in the slot and signing it (only to remember I needed a bag of ice), not finding a packer in my aisle because their is only one for ten aisles,  rolling the full cart out to my car, rolling it right back because I forgot my bag of ice I paid for, emptying the groceries into my car, feeling guilty about not putting the cart in the cart bin when it is empty and instead parking it caddywampus on the curb of the planter, driving home hoping I have enough gas not to have to stop and fill-up the tank until tomorrow, drive into my garage, get out of the car and go into the house hoping someone is home to empty my car but they are all strangely absent… so, I go out to the car and bring the bags of groceries into the house and place them on the counter, unpack and put them all away and, finally collapse exhausted into a nice soft chair and realize I left the ice on the bottom level of the grocery cart. All the people who were strangely not there when I arrived home suddenly arrive home asking, what’s for dinner!!! Why does this remind me of Sysiphus?

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I am a Psychotherapist who has taught Groups and Sexual Issues in the Graduate School at UNLV. I have been in Private Practice for 25 years, and am interested in writing a blog about all the nuance involved in relationships. I don't limit that word relationships; all kinds of relationships with those people and loved others. What are our connections? What gets in the way of healthy relationships? How we support and create our relationships with others, self and the world. I hope you will join me and let me know the places you agree and, importantly, the places you disagree.

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