Is He Really the President Elect ?

So we lived through the last two years of the nastiest, ugliest, race-baitingest, name callingest, most misogynistic and just plain hateful presidential race of my lifetime! It was brutal and exhausting. We ended up with two candidates most of us did not like nor trust worth a damn. To make matters worse the national press was so biased that little of what they fed us on a daily basis was true… and the pollsters were all wrong.   One of the candidates appeared to be a ridiculous clown who intimidated his way into the finals. Somehow Trump rudely touched a few nerves that left seven candidates lying flat on the floor, flustered and unable to shrug off his accusations. The Republican party had some capable and respectable candidates running for President. Only Trump was left standing

The Democrats had Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She thought it was “her turn” to fill the office of President. After all, she had stepped aside for President Barack Obama to serve his eight years after she had already stood by as her husband served eight years… and endured his cheating and lying because she knew her time would come.  Hillary was magnificent in her arrogance. I could not have expended the kind of endless energy Hillary or Trump spent running for office for two grueling, exhausting years. In the end, the Clinton legacy caught up with her…along with exhaustion…and she limped to the finish line. What she didn’t know is the country had had enough of her and Barack Obama’s arrogance. To some degree this was a battle between the left wing liberals and the right wing conservatives. Those who favor small government and those favoring government involved in all aspects of our lives. I consider myself a fiscally conservative liberal, and some of my friends are socially liberal conservatives. Many polls place the majority of our population somewhere along those lines, and I think that’s how we voted. Hence Donald J. Trump is the President-Elect as of 2:30 this morning.

I am ridiculously praying that Donald J. Trump, up until November 8, 2016, was doing and saying exactly what he believed he had to do and say to win the election. It worked with his competition…and it worked all the way to the finish line. The finish line is also the beginning of his Presidency. Let’s hope some better version of Donald J. Trump shows up to take the reigns of a country that in spite of it’s faults, is already a pretty good place to be born. Let’s hope we  continue on  the path we’ve already started– of inclusion, respect, and support for ALL of the people of the United States of America. I’m going to hope this is true because the President-elect said in his acceptance speech last night,  “It’s time… I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans,  and this is so important to me.”   Let’s hold his feet to the fire!

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I am a Psychotherapist who has taught Groups and Sexual Issues in the Graduate School at UNLV. I have been in Private Practice for 25 years, and am interested in writing a blog about all the nuance involved in relationships. I don't limit that word relationships; all kinds of relationships with those people and loved others. What are our connections? What gets in the way of healthy relationships? How we support and create our relationships with others, self and the world. I hope you will join me and let me know the places you agree and, importantly, the places you disagree.

3 thoughts on “Is He Really the President Elect ?”

  1. I just sent you a very long comment and inadvertently erased it. Just know it brilliantly restated what you said in your blog. You do a good deed with your blog!

  2. Well said. The “great” America was when the government was of the people, by the people and for the people. It did not mean politicians could be in office as a career with many extra “perks” the rest of the population could only dream about. I hope he remembers that his intent was to drain the swamp when he is up to his ass in alligators.

  3. I have said all along that our involvement does not end at the polls. We have 4 years to stay involved and help this man make our country great. Not again…..because our country has always been great.

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