Okay. I’ve had it!

Does one have to believe, talk and walk like all the other minions?  If we want your favor must we only shop where you approve and only think like you.  Since when have left-wing NUTS and right-wing NUTS become the purveyors of truth in this country?

For the record:
I am against racism, prejudice, poverty, abusers of any kind. I believe in lifting people out of poverty by training them for the workforce and feeding and housing them until they can get and hold a job. I do not believe government can solve all of our problems. That’s what creates the giant bureaucracy that devours our hope and dignity. In order to have self-esteem, I must like myself and feel proud of my accomplishments. The example I think of is all of the single parents I know and have worked with who have raised their children well in spite of having to work four jobs to take care of them and put food on the table. In fact, they are often heard righteously bragging about how in spite of how difficult it was, they got it done. They deserve to feel proud of doing something that difficult well.

I don’t like everyone, and those I don’t like it’s because they are mean and black-hearted,- either to me or someone I know and care about. I am pro-choice and I like some people who are pro-life. I don’t HATE them because of their stand. My friends come in all colors, genders, sexual orientations, religions, countries, and cultures. I have traveled to far away places and seen amazing people and some selfish brats. I try to hold my judgments in abeyance and don’t always succeed. My fall-back stance is love and that’s where I start unless you become a hater and then I can’t stay anywhere near you because of the anxiety your hatred provokes in me. Whether it’s Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump, wild ass hatred is not acceptable and it does trickle down and it does make us sick and it does create violence.  Look around, you can see it. Nothing can take us backward as a nation quicker than hatred. We need to celebrate our differences not hate them.  Medical research has evolved to the point where doctors understand that each person is made up of unique and complicated chemistry and no single treatment fits everyone. We are all incredibly different from ours frontal lobes down to our toenails.

I don’t like the Teacher’s Union but I love great teachers and think we should pay them as much as we pay politicians in Washington or Governors of states. We need to fix the education system so they can teach again instead of being forced to deal with helicopter parents raising a bunch of children who refuse to be accountable for their behavior! Allow teachers to teach. I have known so many teachers who started their careers excited and full of amazing ideas, who eight or nine years later are burned out by the steady erosion of their power and excitement and the encroaching bureaucracy, or disappointed because of the unwillingness of the public to value their profession.

I also think we need term limits, criminal justice reform, and Tort reform! Criminal justice first!

Most of us are compassionate and empathetic…some are just empty bloviators and can do a lot of damage. I understand most of us will not witness evil and look the other way. The triumvirate is not good and evil and Trump. For God’s sake, Trump is not Hitler. There are no ovens waiting to slaughter anyone. Hillary and Elizabeth are not the good witch Glenda., nor are they the evil witch.  A little patience and reality, please. I think we are all susceptible to fake news, and too many get their “news” from Facebook or late night talk shows.

Of course, this is all just my opinion. Unlike ISIS and many fellow Americans, I value your opinion and hope you value mine even if you disagree with me-especially if you disagree.I look at my grandchildren and worry about what kind of world we are leaving them. And lastly, I am lonely and I can’t afford to lose friends over political discourse. And when you respond to these rambling thoughts, if you do, please don’t call me ignorant or stupid. I am not. And don’t lecture me, just tell me how you feel about all these issues, and what you are passionate about.
Thank you if you have read this all the way to the end.

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I am a Psychotherapist who has taught Groups and Sexual Issues in the Graduate School at UNLV. I have been in Private Practice for 25 years, and am interested in writing a blog about all the nuance involved in relationships. I don't limit that word relationships; all kinds of relationships with those people and loved others. What are our connections? What gets in the way of healthy relationships? How we support and create our relationships with others, self and the world. I hope you will join me and let me know the places you agree and, importantly, the places you disagree.